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While Turquoise Sky is a spirits company, we understand alcohol isn’t for everybody! Megan does a lot of fun, creative projects for her friends and family and maybe for you too. Any of these projects are a great way to help support a small business and we know you will love the results!

Custom Roleplaying Assets

Character sheet for Pathfinder Gnome level 9

Character Sheets! Spellbooks! Action Cards!

No matter what system you’re using, character sheets can be complicated! What’s important and what’s not? Where are all my spells? What do they do? Megan can create custom tools to make your game easier! Great gifts for newbie players!

Team Spirit Shirts

Wear that Team Spirit! Let the other guys know who kicked their butts today!

Custom Logos and shirt designs for your team! There’s no better way to show off your clever team name that to plaster it on your back!

Movie Madness!

Always trying to remember what you’ve seen? Trying to make sure your friend has seen all the good stuff?

Posters & Books that are perfect for keeping track of what movies are left to watch!